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The Impact of the Economic Crisis on the UK Security Industry

The UK security industry, a crucial component of the nation’s infrastructure, has not been immune to the sweeping effects of the current economic crisis. As the economy grapples with inflation, rising interest rates, and stagnant growth, the security sector faces both challenges and opportunities that are reshaping its landscape.

Economic Strain and Budget Cuts

One of the most immediate impacts of the economic downturn is the tightening of budgets across both public and private sectors. Government austerity measures have led to significant cuts in public spending, affecting police forces and other public security services. These cuts have necessitated a greater reliance on private security firms to fill the gaps left by reduced public sector capabilities.

Private companies are also feeling the pinch. Many businesses, especially small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), have had to reduce their spending on security services to cut costs. This has led to a contraction in demand for security personnel and services, affecting the revenue streams of many security firms.

Rising Demand for Technological Solutions

While budget constraints have led to a reduction in traditional security services, there has been a notable increase in demand for technology-driven security solutions. The economic crisis has accelerated the adoption of advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning, and Internet of Things (IoT) devices within the security sector. These technologies offer cost-effective, scalable, and efficient alternatives to traditional security methods.

Security companies are increasingly investing in surveillance systems, biometric access controls, and cyber security solutions. The shift towards digital transformation in the security industry is seen as a way to enhance efficiency and reduce costs in the long term, despite the initial investment required.

Cybersecurity: A Growing Concern

The economic crisis has exacerbated cyber threats, as financially motivated cybercriminals exploit vulnerabilities heightened by economic instability. Companies facing financial difficulties are more likely to cut corners on cyber security, making them prime targets for cyberattacks. The rise in remote working, driven by the pandemic and sustained through economic necessity, has also expanded the attack surface for cybercriminals.

As a result, there has been a surge in demand for cybersecurity services. Firms specializing in cyber defence, threat intelligence, and incident response are experiencing growth, even as other areas of the security industry contract. This shift underscores the increasing importance of cybersecurity in an interconnected and economically strained world.

Labour Market Pressures

The security industry relies heavily on human resources, and the economic crisis has introduced several labour market challenges. High inflation and cost of living increases have led to demands for higher wages, putting pressure on security firms to raise salaries to attract and retain talent. At the same time, many security personnel are leaving the industry for better-paying opportunities in other sectors, exacerbating labour shortages.

Moreover, the gig economy’s rise has influenced the security labour market. Many security professionals are opting for freelance or part-time roles, seeking greater flexibility and control over their working conditions. This trend is forcing traditional security firms to adapt their employment practices and offer more competitive and flexible terms to their workforce.

Regulatory and Compliance Challenges

Economic instability often brings about regulatory changes as governments strive to stabilize and protect their economies. The security industry must navigate an evolving regulatory landscape, ensuring compliance with new laws and standards. This is particularly relevant for sectors such as cybersecurity, where regulations around data protection and privacy are becoming increasingly stringent.

The need for compliance with regulations such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the upcoming Network and Information Systems (NIS2) Directive requires continuous investment in compliance measures, adding another layer of financial strain on security companies.

Opportunities for Innovation and Growth

Despite the challenges, the economic crisis also presents opportunities for innovation and growth within the security industry. Companies that can adapt to the changing landscape by embracing technology, improving efficiency, and offering innovative solutions are well-positioned to thrive.

Collaborations and partnerships are becoming increasingly important. Security firms are partnering with tech companies to integrate advanced technologies into their offerings, providing more comprehensive and effective security solutions. Additionally, there is a growing trend towards holistic security approaches that combine physical security, cybersecurity, and risk management into a unified strategy.


The UK security industry is navigating a complex and challenging economic environment. While budget constraints, labour market pressures, and regulatory challenges present significant hurdles, there are also opportunities for growth and innovation. By embracing technological advancements, prioritizing cybersecurity, and adapting to new market realities, the security industry can continue to play a vital role in safeguarding the UK’s businesses, infrastructure, and citizens in these economically turbulent times.

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Gavin Stephens appointed to lead National Police Chiefs’ Council

CHIEF CONSTABLE Gavin Stephens has been appointed to lead the National Police Chiefs’ Council (NPCC) from April 2023. Current chair Martin Hewitt will leave the post in March next year after serving a four-year term.

Chief constables were invited to apply for the post of NPCC chairin October. Chief constable Gavin Stephens applied for the post and, in accordance with election rules, has been appointed.

Stephens has worked in policing for nearly 30 years, first joining the Cambridgeshire Constabulary in 1993 and then Surrey Police in 1996, where he has been working for over two decades now, serving in every rank up to the role of chief constable.

He was initially based in East Surrey on neighbourhood policing and went on to roles in serious and organised crime, professional standards and local policing.

On a national level, Stephens has played a major role in developing and modernising neighbourhood policing. He led the implementation of the Neighbourhood Policing Guidelines in 2016.

Stephens is currently chair of the NPCC’s Finance Co-ordination Committee, as well as chair of the national Communications Advisory Group.

Read the Full Story Here.

NBCC launches national week of action targeting business crime

THE NATIONAL Business Crime Centre (NBCC) is holding a national week of action to support businesses and reduce business crime across the country. The week of action runs from Monday 17 October and involves police forces and partners working together to hold targeted operations in towns and city centres, running high-profile media and social media campaigns and engaging with local businesses, retailers and the community in a determined bid to raise awareness of business crime.

The City of London Police, which plays host to the NBCC, is holding a Safer Business Action (SaBA) Day to deliver a focused operation featuring joint patrols, the targeted intervention of offenders and a range of crime prevention activity. The latter includes raising awareness of local issues with members of the general public.

SaBA Days represent a joint approach by police, business, private security, Business Crime Reduction Partnerships and Business Improvement Districts working in partnership to focus resources into a designated location and create a significant impact that leads to crime reduction.

Partnership working and days of action are all part of normal activity for police forces and their partners. Although locally based, SaBA Days bring with them a national reach. Through the SaBA Steering Group and the NBCC, there are links to a national network of contacts. Best Practice can be shared and extra resources from private businesses with a national footprint may be able to assist with a given event.

Bringing police and partners together

Superintendent Patrick Holdaway, lead for the NBCC, said: “The week of action is an opportunity to bring police and partners together to tackle the key issues of business crime in their communities. Each police force taking part will be holding various crime prevention activities and initiatives designed to increase engagement with local businesses and retail outlets and tackle some of the most prolific offenders.”

Businesses trading on High Streets and in town centres are also encouraged to become involved and display the ShopKind messaging in their stores. All of the ShopKind materials are free to download online.

Edward Woodall, the ShopKind campaign’s co-ordinator, stated: “We encourage all businesses to support the national week of action and share messages about ShopKind with their customers and colleagues.”

The NBCC social media channels on LinkedIn and Twitter will have updates of the activity taking place throughout the week.

Read the Full Story Here.

International Security Expo proves huge success for Nineteen Group

THOUSANDS OF security professionals – including staff from FTL Secure Solutions – representing more than 70 countries descended on London’s Olympia from 27-28 September as the Nineteen Group-organised International Security Expo – for which Security Matters served as Lead Media Partner – returned to showcase the very latest technological innovations designed to protect people, businesses and the UK’s Critical National Infrastructure.

With more than 300 companies demonstrating thousands of the most cutting-edge products and solutions, attendees were provided with an unmissable opportunity to gain in-person demonstrations and insights, in turn helping them to understand how technology can meet current and future challenges.

Demonstrating the event’s invaluable role in facilitating new product launches, many exhibitors took the opportunity to unveil their latest innovations, sharing all-new technologies and refreshed solutions to a packed audience of buyers from the UK and international territories.

Among them, Apstec Systems announced the launch of a new version of its Human Security Radar. Version 4 of the innovative system provides high-throughput, low-contact security screening and ensures a “seamless” security experience for people being screened. It delivers “proven and effective” functionality in an attractive, smaller and more mobile unit that’s perfectly suited for deployments at prestigious locations.

Elsewhere on the show floor, Apex Vanguard demonstrated its Hecate ruggedised tactical camera system – a specialised IP67-rated multi-platform camera system featuring a wide view day camera, IR night camera and a FLIR thermal imaging camera all-in-one system. It’s supported by an integrated COFDM microwave transmission module with all the video and data transmitted to a fully functional ergonomic hand-held receiver unit.

Demonstrating two new product launches, LINEV Systems UK revealed its PROTEUS range of baggage X-ray security systems. The range is fully equipped with the latest Artificial Intelligence features to help detect pyrotechnics, flares and smoke bombs.

The company also showcased its Clearpass C.I, itself an X-ray scanner designed for smaller spaces. With a footprint of just 0.85 m², the technology offers “exceptional” mobility and “the fastest scan acquisition time available on the market”. It’s available with advanced contraband detection software and designed to detect contraband ‘on’ or ‘in’ the human body. By allowing selective area-focused screening, the solution also reduces screening and overexposure to other parts of the body.

Speaking about this year’s event, Tim Betts (sales and marketing professional at LINEV Systems UK, said: “International Security Expo is an essential event for us. The engaging show floor packed with attendees allowed us to network and generate new leads following our rebranding. Simply put, the International Security Expo is the flagship event for us in the UK.”

Analytics and investigations

X-ray capabilities were also the focus of the Videray stand where the company announced its new PX Ultra – the “most powerful” handheld backscatter X-ray imager on the market. After nearly three years of development and testing, the PX Ultra uses the first 160 keV X-ray source, enabling operators to see through up to 10 mm of steel. It features the same ergonomic form factor and intuitive software used by the popular PX1, reducing its scatter and leakage measurements by a factor of two.

Meanwhile, Canadian defence and security start-up, Patagona Technologies demonstrated its THREATDESK analytics and investigations platform. This solution provides OSINT analysts with the tools to combat co-ordinated information operations by state and non-state actors. It allows analysts to gain deep insights into online threats such as co-ordinated influence operations, online radicalisation and information security threats by dint of leveraging hundreds of online data sources from news, forums and social media platforms. Once collected, it uses advanced Artificial Intelligence methods to identify and respond to co-ordinated inauthentic behaviours.

Across the show floor, product demonstrations helped to bring the latest security technologies and solutions to life. In the LPCB Live Testing Lab, crowds gathered to witness a team of professional forced entry specialists put a range of physical security products through their paces.

Located in the show’s Perimeter Protection Zone, supported by the Perimeter Security Suppliers Association and sponsored by Barkers Fencing, the line-up included products from exhibitors including Eagle Automation, CLD Fencing, the Bradbury Group, Jacksons Fencing, Lochrin Bain and Surelock McGill.

Elsewhere, the Product Innovation Theatre provided a vital platform for the likes of QinetiQ, Greyscan Australia, T3K.AI, Pimloc Limited, Everbridge and Global Security Solutions to share an in-depth look at the rationale behind their latest innovations and the challenges they’re designed to meet. For example, Smiths Detection showcased its Canary Biological Detection Technology, which uses a genetically engineered immune cell called a ‘biosensor’ to identify and bind to a specific target. When a pathogen is found, a reaction starts causing the biosensor to luminesce. By measuring light output from the cell, it can determine if the target biological is present in the sample.

Returning to the Product Innovation Theatre on Day Two, members of the Defence and Security Accelerator team introduced three suppliers funded under the Innovative Research Cell 2020 for Explosives and Weapons Detection. The suppliers – Iconal Technology, Fraunhofer UK and IRSweep and Metrasens – shared insights into the innovative projects funded through this competition and the opportunities for like-minded businesses to become involved.

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CPNI launches “pioneering” course for security Control Room operators

IN ITS role as the national technical authority for physical and personnel protective security, the Centre for the Protection of National Infrastructure (CPNI) has launched a new training course aimed squarely at security Control Room operators.

The course and associated guidance produced by the CPNI enables businesses and organisations alike to plan and prepare for – as well as respond to – terrorist incidents, thereby increasing the capabilities of security Control Room operators and other security personnel.

Uniquely based around research undertaken since 2017, the course offers “world-first” immersive exercises that simulate multiple terrorist incident scenarios, enabling delegates to practice decision-making in real-time as if they were in a real Control Room environment.

The course is informed by the recently updated guidance, developed through detailed analysis of previous terrorist incidents, extensive research that has included live simulations of attacks (as part of the CPNI’s ASCEND trials) and surveys of existing Command and Control capabilities.

Importance of security Control Room operators

Through five years of research, the CPNI has found that most casualties in a terrorist incident occur within the first few minutes. During the initial period before the Emergency Services have arrived on scene, the security Control Room is the front line of defence, leading and organising the initial response to the terrorist incident.

Every second counts during an attack and every second that passes is an opportunity to keep the threat as far away from people as possible, assist those who need urgent help and work with the Emergency Services.

Effective Command and Control is critical for mitigating the impact of terrorist incidents. Sites are unlikely to provide an effective response to a terrorist incident unless: 

*Security Control Room personnel are provided with the appropriate equipment, policies and procedures.

*operators are given the necessary training and time to practice and exercise the response

Worryingly, the CPNI’s research has shown that UK businesses and organisations are not sufficiently prepared for terrorist incidents. Security Control Room operators are often unclear on what tasks need to be completed and whose responsible for each task, duly resulting in duplication of effort and essential tasks.

Terrorist attacks are perhaps the most challenging types of incidents an organisation will ever face. Fortunately, they are also rare and most people will never encounter one. That said, training and rehearsal are often the only ways in which security Control Room operators can gain the necessary skills and begin to practice them ahead of a real incident.

Read the Full Story Here.

NSI appointed regional independent audit body for TAPA EMEA

THE NATIONAL Security Inspectorate – the independent specialist third party certification body which approves over 2,000 UK providers of security and fire safety services – has been appointed as a regional independent audit body for the Transported Asset Protection Association (TAPA) in the EMEA region.

As a result, and with immediate effect, the Inspectorate will now be offering certification for TAPA EMEA’s three primary standards: Facility Security, Trucking Security and Parking Security.

A global not-for-profit industry association, TAPA was founded back in 1997 and helps manufacturers/shippers, logistics service providers, freight transport and security services companies when it comes to minimising losses from supply chains due to cargo theft.

Within the EMEA region, the UK is one of the most highly impacted countries for recorded cargo crime. From 1 January 2020 to 30 June this year, no fewer than 5,751 incidents of theft from supply chains were reported to TAPA EMEA’s Intelligence Systems operation in the UK. Of those which stated a financial loss value, 50% of crimes equated to a loss of over £100 million.

On average, over £100,000 worth of goods are stolen from supply chains in the UK each day. Given the majority of cargo crimes in the UK pass by unreported, these figures represent only a fraction of the real picture.

Read the full story here.

Graeme Biggar CBE appointed director general of National Crime Agency

HOME SECRETARY Priti Patel has appointed Graeme Biggar CBE as director general of the National Crime Agency (NCA). Biggar has led the NCA on an interim basis since October 2021, during which time the organisation has reported record disruptions against key threats and targeted an increasing proportion of those criminals causing the most harm.

Appointed on a five-year term following an open recruitment process, Biggar will now lead the NCA’s drive to advance the UK’s fight against serious and organised crime: a national security threat that includes people smuggling, cyber crime, illicit finance and drugs and firearms trafficking.

The director general takes charge of the NCA’s 6,000 officers based in the UK and overseas and is responsible for setting its operational priorities, ensuring that the organisation is operating effectively and shaping the entire UK law enforcement response to serious and organised crime.

In 2021-2022 alone, NCA activity has delivered prison sentences for criminals totalling more than 2,379 years and presided over the freezing or seizure of £358 million in criminal assets/ The NCA’s efforts have resulted in the arrest of 244 people smuggling offenders outside of the UK and led to the seizure of 241 tonnes of Class A drugs. Further, the organisation has spearheaded the implementation of a cross-law enforcement ransomware threat group, thereby protecting the UK’s economy from losses of at least £600 million.

Read the full story here.

Security boss ordered to pay £164,000 Confiscation Order

ON TUESDAY 5 July, Christopher Browne of Scarborough was ordered by York Crown Court to pay a £164,000 Confiscation Order within three months or face an 18-month jail sentence following a Proceeds of Crime action. The amount is the realisable funds from the sale of his Scarborough house which is currently subject to a Proceeds of Crime Act Restraint Order. Browne was also sentenced to a £200 fine and a £20 victim surcharge.

The sentencing follows Browne’s conviction on 9 February last year at Scarborough Magistrates’ Court for working as an unlicensed company director of Scarborough-based Coastal Security Ltd.

The prosecution was brought by the Security Industry Authority (SIA).

Browne held a valid SIA security guarding licence up until 15 February 2016. After his licence expired, he refused to apply for a new security guarding licence even after repeated attempts by the SIA to help him to engage with the regulator’s licensing process. Browne continued to work as an unlicensed director of a company supplying security for more than four-and-a-half years between 15 February 2016 and 21 August 2020.

Browne responded to a request for information when he gave a full and frank account during an interview under caution on 20 August 2020 and admitted that he had knowingly acted as a director of a company supplying private security industry services without an SIA licence.

Browne was a director of Coastal Security Ltd for 21 years from December 2000. The business supplied CCTV, security equipment and security officers, but the company has now been put into liquidation.

Jenny Hart, one of the SIA’s criminal investigation managers, said the court order reflects the seriousness of Browne’s failings to engage with the SIA and get licensed. “We did everything possible to engage with Browne, but he failed to renew and apply for a licence to operate. He was negligent and put the public at risk as he refused to become licensed. His non-compliance has exacerbated the situation, which could have easily been avoided.”

Read the full story here.

CNI-focused organisations “must lighten load” on cyber security teams.

UK CRITICAL National Infrastructure (CNI) organisations must take steps to ensure cyber leaders have the right budget, skills and ‘tech stack’ to build out and implement an effective cyber security strategy or they risk an exodus of skilled cyber security professionals. That’s according to new research conducted by UK cyber security services firm Bridewell.

The research, which surveyed UK cyber security decision-makers in the communications, utilities, finance, Government and transport and aviation sectors, reveals that 95% are experiencing factors that would make them likely to leave their role in the next 12 months.

Over four-in-ten (42%, in fact) of respondents feel that a breach is inevitable and don’t want to tarnish their career, while 40% suggest that they’re experiencing stress and burnout which is negatively impacting their personal life.

The prospect of people leaving jobs is particularly problematic for CNI organisations at a time when the threat of attacks remains high. Over two-thirds of UK CNI cyber leaders state that the volume of threats and successful attacks has increased over the past year, while 69% believe it’s now harder to detect and respond to threats.

Fears of staff leaving are also compounded by the ongoing skills shortage in the sector with 68% of respondents saying it has become harder to recruit the right resources to secure and monitor systems over the past year.

Skills for Security and SecuriGroup forge strategic partnership

SKILLS FOR Security has forged a new strategic partnership with SecuriGroup whereby the skills body will become the latter’s preferred fire and security apprenticeship provider. Going forward, Skills for Security will be working with SecuriGroup on assisting the security business during the recruitment process for new apprenticeship positions and also on ensuring that learners receive maximum support throughout their course.

Skills for Security is recognised as the leading fire and security apprenticeship training provider in the UK. The organisation currently supports over 400 apprentices across its centres located in Warrington, Birmingham, Scotland and Oxford, with its Watford centre opening in mid-2022.

Given the huge skills shortage in the fire and security industry’s at present, Skills for Security works with employers right across the UK to provide the next generation of engineers with the necessary tools and knowledge they require for a successful career.

Ranked in the top 1% of UK security companies approved by the Security Industry Authority, SecuriGroup is an award-winning security business specialising in the provision of security guarding, augmented security and systems solutions, mobile patrolling and key holding, events security and close protection services.