iEVO; FTL Secure Solutions’ CPNI rated biometric fingerprint security partner has launched a fully customised range of readers. This means there are now a whole host of complimentary additions, improving the already market leading iEVO Ultimate and iEVO Micro readers.

What does this mean?

It means the sky is the limit when it comes to bespoke biometric access control and time & attendance systems. Whereas the previous readers came as a standard unit, we are now able to customise your biometric system to better meet your requirements. For example, expanding the system capacity from the previous 10,000 cap is now a matter of a simple alteration, increasing capacity to 50,000. On sites where it is difficult to get power, there is now a Power over Ethernet (PoE) option to allow power and data to run on the same cable. This makes installation simpler and more cost-effective. Where running data cables is difficult, a new Wifi / bluetooth module allows for data transfer outside of the LAN. 

Do these additions work?

Yes! FTL Secure Solutions has been busy installing iEVO CPNI rated biometric readers on a number of our clients sites. Whilst it was already an excellent addition to access control systems or time & attendance systems, these new additions have taken it to a level beyond most existing fingerprint readers. The modular build readers can now adapt to most site conditions making it the perfect system to install. As the only CPNI (Centre for the Protection of National Infrastructure) approved fingerprint biometric system currently available, it is the only system currently approved for use in critical infrastructure. So if you are a school, data centre, a factory or a business looking to improve your security or operations, you can be assured you are getting the most reliable fingerprint biometric system available today.

iEVO customisable biometric reader